Friday 27 June 2014

25 Things To Do This Summer

Chou, to all my non existent readers
Today I decided to restart my blog as deleted posts before but I am back again. Anyway, a few weeks ago Alfie from Pointlessblog did a video for the 25 things he wants to this summer. I know summer began on the 21st of June officially so I have already started some of these things, however here are the 25 things I want to do this summer:

  1. Be able to do the splits, this has been a goal for my non flexible self for I while I need to keep myself motivated though!
  2. Go on at least 5 runs, I don't enjoy long distance running but I want to challenge myself more and as I am running the 5 km race for life this July I thought I should try running. As of the moment I am yet to go on a run!
  3. To exercise at least every other day whether it be Pilates ( I follow the videos by Cassie on Blogilates) or just going for a walk.
  4. Drinking 2 liters of water everyday I started trying to this since last September and I think it is going quite well, it is annoying when I go out though I have to take a drink with me as restaurants give you so little to drink ( in my opinion anyway).
  5. Start blogging, here is the first one to be ticked off I have always wanted a blog as I always enjoy reading other peoples blog and always aspire to inspire an audience with my words!
  6. Learn more french, I have just done my GCSEs ( exams we do in the UK at 16) and next year I will be taking french A-level, I have realized my french needs working on and having a parent as a language teacher comes in handy!
  7. Pick up some foreign beauty product I love trying out new things and I have seen quite a few recent blog posts about European beauty products, especially of the french variety. That I really want to pick up on holiday this summer.
  8. Read all of my Harry Potter books again, I love Harry Potter and this is one of thee goals I have already started on as I am currently reading the forth book ( The Goblet of Fire)
  9. Along with the goal above I want to re watch all of the Harry Potter films it is interesting rereading the book and then watching the film you notice how much they miss out! 
  10. Read all of the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus, I love these books they are Greek mythology and are written by Rick Riordan. I would probably say I love them more than Harry Potter! They are a wonderful mix of action, suspense and they are funny too.
  11. Read the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit there is a bit of a book theme going on, but in the summer is when I have time to read and I have never read Lord of the Rings before.
  12. To be more grateful, I sometimes need to thank people more and I realize it is a very good habit to get into and reflect on the positives in life more than the negatives. To realize how lucky I truly am.
  13. To help around the house more being at home most of the time now I realize how little I do and how much my mum does and this needs to change!
  14. To wear clothes a bit more out of my comfort zone I do live in my Zara leggings and a T-shirt everyday my wardrobe needs more fun added to it!
  15. To wear my bikini at least once, you may be thinking that is easy, this is my first bikini I do love it I just feel like I am wearing so little and i get very self conscious. 
  16. To cook more as I have previously mentioned I have more time in the summer so the oven gloves are coming on!
  17. To bake more, this should probably include some more healthy baking 
  18. To sew my swimming badges onto a towel I got from the London Olympics as there are quite a few which are currently held on by pins!
  19. To meet up and keep in contact with my friends more I usually kind of stick to myself in the summer and don't really see many of my school friends this year I want this to change.
  20. To feel proud of the person I am I don't this mean this in a stuck up self-centered kind of way just to have more confidence in myself.
  21. Watch at least five Disney films, I think I will easily surpass this as I have already watched: Beauty and the Beast, Frozen and Peter Pan. They are just such feel good movies.
  22. To not spend all day on the internet, I do have a current addiction to YouTube and other social networking sites and I really enjoy it, I just don't want to let the rare nice weather go to waste!
  23. To help clear the conservatory, my house has a large conservatory, which for years was where all of our toys were kept is now a mess and needs to be sorted as there is a lot we can give to charity.
  24. Go to the cinema at least three times I have already been once to see the Fault in our Stars which was amazing. I am not a usual cinema attender but I always get drawn in by the adverts. I really want to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 as I loved the first film. 
  25. The final one you may be expecting something awesome I apologize that this will not be the case as I can't think of much else currently I want to this summer so the 25th thing is to achieve the 24 things above!
Thank you for reading if you got to the end,well done I now it is quite long please come back again I am going to try and post every Thursday and Sunday. You can follow me on Pinterest at QuelquefoisFantastique. I am trying to sort out linking my blog to bloglovin' currently. To end with an inspirational quote which I have as kind of 'thing' on my blog. Today's quote is:
What would you do?
Love you all
Anna xx

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